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Enterprise edition

Orient Enterprise edition is actually community edition + agent plugin (if you fill in the form it will simply suggest you to download agent jar).

This enterprise agent activates some hidden abilities like sql profiler.

Dynamic agent installation

Copy agent jar into plugins directory.


If agent plugin is installed, jmx plugin must be configured like this:

   - clazz: com.orientechnologies.orient.server.handler.OJMXPlugin
            - name: enabled
              value: false
            - name: profilerManaged
              value: true

This could be useful for temporary agent usage (not in production).

Manual agent installation

If you have enterprise license and want to include agent into your app distribution (instead of copying it manually on each environment):

  • create libs folder in your project and move agent plugin into it
  • in project add dependency for libs folder. For example, in gradle:
    runtime fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
  • change handlers section in config (add agent and change jmx parameters):
       - clazz: com.orientechnologies.agent.OEnterpriseAgent
               - name: license
                 value: '@LICENSE@'
       - clazz: com.orientechnologies.orient.server.handler.OJMXPlugin
               - name: enabled
                 value: false
               - name: profilerManaged
                 value: true