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Getting started


Releases are published to bintray jcenter (package appear immediately after release) and then to maven central (require few days after release to be published).

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compile 'ru.vyarus:dropwizard-orient-server:2.2.0'

Version works with orient 3.0 (and above) and dropwizard 1.3.5 (and above). For other versions see compatibility matrix.


Configuration class must implement HasOrientServerConfiguration:

public class MyConfiguration extends Configuration implements HasOrientServerConfiguration {

    private OrientServerConfiguration orientServerConfiguration;

    public OrientServerConfiguration getOrientServerConfiguration() {
        return orientServerConfiguration;

    public void setOrientServer(OrientServerConfiguration orientServerConfiguration) {
        this.orientServerConfiguration = orientServerConfiguration;


It's not required to have not null orient configuration. If OrientServerConfiguration is null orient server will simply not start.

Register orient bundle in application class:

public void initialize(final Bootstrap<MyConfiguration> bootstrap) {
    bootstrap.addBundle(new OrientServerBundle(getConfigurationClass()));


You can start with the default configuration.

Read more about configuration.


You can also enable orient plugins:


Plugins could be loaded dynamically or statically.

You may also need plugins from enterprise edition in order to use query profiler.

Client initialization

Server lifecycle is managed using a Managed object, so the embedded server will start only together with jetty (server command). Managed instances are started after all bundles run methods and even after application run method, so server will be unreachable if you try to access it from these methods.

Connecting using plocal

The most efficient way to connect to the embedded database is using plocal. This engine writes to the file system to store data. There is a LOG of changes to restore the storage in case of a crash.

plocal doesn't require a started server and it's faster than remote connection. With an embedded server you would be able to use studio (remote connection) together with your application using plocal (win-win).

Server stores database files in ${files-path}/databases folder, so plocal connection for server managed database would be:


where ${files-path} should be replaced with path from server configuration and dbname is database name.

Using new (3.0) api:

OrientDB orientDB = new OrientDB("embedded:${files-path}/databases",OrientDBConfig.defaultConfig());
ODatabaseDocument db ="dbname","admin","admin");

Connecting using sockets

If you want to connect to your embedded instance over sockets, it's best to have your orient client initialization inside your own Managed object. This is the best way to make sure the connection logic is run after server start.

OrientDB orientDb = new OrientDB(
                "remote:localhost", "root", "root", OrientDBConfig.defaultConfig());
ODatabaseDocument db ="dbname","admin","admin");


You can also access embedded orient with console. This could be used for first initialization (to run initialization sql scripts). Read more about console usage.

Admin servlet

The state of embedded orient server could be seen in admin servlet: http://localhost:8081/orient.

http://localhost:8081/orient/studio/ redirects to embedded studio (if deployed).

Could be disabled if required.