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Guicey bundles

Analogous to Dropwizard Bundles, Guicey has its own GuiceyBundle. These bundles contain many of the same options as the main GuiceBundle builder. The purpose of Guicey Bundles is the same as Dropwizard Bundles: encapsulate logic by grouping installers, extensions and guice modules related to specific features and libraries.


Guicey bundles are assumed to be used instead of dropwizard bundles in guicey-powered application.

It does not mean that drowpizard bundles can't be used - of course they can! There are many existing dropwizard bundles and it would be insane to get rid of them.

It is not possible to register guice modules and use many guicey features from dropwizard bundles.

Guicey and Dropwizard Bundles share the same lifecycle:

public interface ConfiguredBundle<T> {
    default void initialize(Bootstrap<?> bootstrap) {}    
    default void run(T configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {}

public interface GuiceyBundle {
    default void initialize(GuiceyBootstrap bootstrap) {} 
    default void run(GuiceyEnvironment environment) throws Exception {}

Guicey Bundles are an extension to dropwizard bundles (without restrictions), so it is extremely simple to switch from dropwizard bundles.


With Guicey Bundles, it is possible to implement plug-and-play bundles to automatically install a bundle when its jar appears on the classpath.

Example Guicey bundle:

public class MyFeatureBundle implements GuiceyBundle {

    public void initialize(GuiceyBootstrap bootstrap) {
            // dropwizard bundle usage
            .dropwizardBundle(new RequiredDwBundle())
            .modules(new MyFeatureModule());     

        // dropwizard bootstrap access
        bootstrap.bootstrap().addCommand(new MyFeatureCommand());

    public void run(GuiceyEnvironment environment) throws Exception {
        // configuration access
            .modules(new SpecialModle(environment.configuration().getSomeValue()))
            .onApplicationStartup(() ->"Application started!"));

        // dropwizard environment access        
        environment.environment().setValidator(new MyCustomValudatior());

        .bundles(new MyFeatureBundle())

Example bundles can be found in Guicey itself:

  • CoreInstallersBundle - all default installers
  • WebInstallersBundle - servlet and filter annotations support
  • HK2DebugBundle - guice - HK2 scope debug tool

Even more examples are in extensions modules


See all bundle configuration options


Most configurations only appear during the initialization phase. This was done in order to follow dropwizard conventions (all configuration during init and all initialization on run).

The only exception to this rule is the registration of guice modules. Bundles are allowed to register modules in both phases. Guice modules often require direct configuration values. Without this exception, Guicey Bundle authors would be required to create wrappers around guicey-aware modules for proper guice registrations. Dropwizard itself shares a similar exception in that HK2 modules may only be registered during the run phase.

Bundle De-duplication

Your bundles may be installed multiple times, and you must always think of what should be expected behaviour in these cases.

For example:

.bundles(new MyBundle(), new MyBundle())

Bundles are often intended to be used multiple times (for example, spa bundle).

But in some cases, only one bundle instance must be installed. For example, eventbus bundle must be installed just once. The opposite may be true: a common bundle could be installed by multiple other bundles.

In order to manage these cases guicey provides a de-duplication mechanism.

To avoid redundant bundle instances, you can:

  • extend UniqueGuiceyBundle to allow only one bundle instance
  • implement equals method (where you can implement any deduplication rules (e.g. based on bundles constructor arguments))


Deduplication could also help in case when your bundle is available through lookup with default configuration, but could be registered with customized configuration.

In this case, you can also use UniqueGuiceyBundle: manually registered bundle will always be registered first, and bundle obtained with lookup mechansm would be considered as duplicate and not used (for example, eventbus bundle use this)

Bundle Lookup

The bundle lookup mechanism is used to lookup guicey bundles in various sources. It may be used to activate specific bundles in tests (e.g. HK2 scope control bundle) or to install 3rd party extensions from classpath.

Bundle lookup is equivalent to registering bundle directly using builder bundles method.


Bundles from lookup will always be registered after all manually registered bundles, so you can use de-duplication to accept manual instance and deny lookup.

By default, two lookup mechanisms active: by property and with service loader.

All found bundles are logged into console:

INFO  [2019-10-17 14:50:14,304] ru.vyarus.dropwizard.guice.bundle.DefaultBundleLookup: guicey bundles lookup =

You can disable default look-ups with:


System property lookup

System property guicey.bundles could contain comma separated list of guicey bundle classes. These bundles must have no-args constructor.

For example, activate HK2 debug bundle for tests:

java ... -Dguicey.bundles=ru.vyarus.dropwizard.guice.module.jersey.debug.HK2DebugBundle

Alternatively, system property may be set in code:


Service loader lookup

Using default java ServiceLoader mechanism, loads all GuiceyBundle services.

This is useful for automatically installing 3rd party extensions (additional installers, extensions, guice modules).


This could be used to install bundles with default configuration and proper de-duplication. If a user register custom bundle version, it will be used and bundle from lookup will be ignored.

For example, eventbus bundle works like this

3rd party jar must contain services file:


The file must contain one GuiceyBundle implementation per line.

For example:

Then Bundle1, Bundle2 would be loaded automatically on startup and appear in logs.

Customizing lookup mechanism

Custom bundle lookup must implement GuiceyBundleLookup interface:

public class CustomBundleLookup implements GuiceyBundleLookup {

    public List<GuiceyBundle> lookup() {
        List<GuiceyBundle> bundles = Lists.newArrayList();
        return bundles;

Custom lookup implementation may be registered through:

        .bundleLookup(new CustomBundleLookup())

But it's better to register it through default implementation DefaultBundleLookup, which performs composition of multiple lookup implementations and logs resolved bundles to console.

        .bundleLookup(new DefaultBundleLookup().addLookup(new CustomBundleLookup()))

To override the list of default look-ups:

        .bundleLookup(new DefaultBundleLookup(new ServiceLoaderBundleLookup(), new CustomBundleLookup()))

Here, only two lookup mechanisms registered (property lookup is not registered and will not be implicitly added).

Dropwizard bundles

Dropwizard bundles can be used as before, registered directly in Bootstrap.

Guicey provides direct api for dropwizard bundles registration:

    .dropwizardBundles(new MyDwBundle())

and in bundles:

public class MyBundle implements GuiceyBundle {
    public void initialize(GuiceyBootstrap bootstrap) {
        bootstrap.dropwizardBundle(new MyDwBundle());


The most common case is extending some existing 3rd party integration (Dropwizard Bundle) with guice bindings (or adding guicey installers for simplified usage).

public class XIntegratuionBundle implements GuiceyBundle {
    public void initialize(GuiceyBootstrap bootstrap) {
            .dropwizardBundle(new DropwizardXBundle());
            .modules(new XBindingsModule())

JDBI bundle could be king of such example: it does not use dropwizard bundle, but it defines additional extension types to simplify configuration.

When you register dropwizard bundles through guicey api:

So, if you have a "common bundle" problem (when 2 bundles register some common bundle and so you can use these bundles together) it could be solved just by registering bundle through the guicey api with proper configuration.

Transitive bundles tracking

Transitive dropwizard bundles are tracked with a Bootstrap object proxy so guicey could intercept the addBundle call.

If you have problems with the proxy, you can switch off transitive bundles tracking:

.option(GuiceyOptions.TrackDropwizardBundles, false)

If you don't want to switch off tracking, but still have problems registering some bundle, you can always register it directly in bootstrap object:

public class MyBundle implements GuiceyBundle {
    public void initialize(GuiceyBootstrap bootstrap) {
        bootstrap.bootstrap().addBundle(new MyDwBundle());

bootstrap.bootstrap() - is a raw bootstrap (not a proxy).