

SpotBugs is a successor project to deprecated FindBugs project. Migration guide. If you were using custom findbugs config before then rename it's folder to spotbugs.


In contrast to other plugins, spotbugs plugin is not bundled with gradle, but quality plugin will bring it as a dependency (v 2.0.1) and activate automatically. To use newer spotbugs plugin version simply enable plugin manually (in plugins section).

By default, plugin activates if java sources available (src/main/java).

SpotBugs configuration differ from other tools (checkstyle, pmd): instead of exact rules configuration it uses efforts level. Deeper level could reveal more bugs, but with higher mistake possibility. Default settings (max effort and medium level) are perfect for most cases. Some checks were disabled in the default filter file


Special xsl file used for manual html report generation because spotbugs plugin could generate either xml or html report and not both.


2 (0 / 2 / 0) SpotBugs violations were found in 2 files

[Performance | URF_UNREAD_FIELD] sample.( [priority 2 / rank 14]
    >> Unread field: sample.Sample.sample
  This field is never read. Consider removing it from the class.


Counts in braces show priorities (p1/p2/p3).


There is no link to spotbugs site (like other tools), because report already contains everything from there.


Both priority and rank are shown for violations: [priority 2 / rank 14]. Priority relates to spotbugsLevel setting and rank to spotbugsMaxRank.


Tool config options with defaults:

quality {
    spotbugsVersion = '4.0.1'
    spotbugs = true // false to disable automatic plugin activation
    spotbugsEffort = 'max'  // min, less, more or max
    spotbugsLevel = 'medium' // low, medium, high
    spotbugsMaxRank = 20 // 1-4 scariest, 5-9 scary, 10-14 troubling, 15-20 of concern  
    spotbugsMaxHeapSize = '1g'


Gradle 5 reduced default memory settings and so default memory for spotbugs task become 512mb (instead of 1/4 of physical memory as it was before). To reduce the impact (as spotbugs task is memory-consuming), quality plugin sets now default memory to 1g. If your project requires more memory for spotbugs, increase it with spotbugsMaxHeapSize option: spotbugsMaxHeapSize='2g'

Note that quality pligin setting is applied only if sotbugs task was not configured manually, for example, with spotbugsMain.maxHeapSize = '2g'.


To suppress violations you can use filter file. In this case you need to override default filter file.

Or you can use annotations. SpotBugs use custom annotations and so you need to add com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:3.1.2 dependency (with provided scope if possible) and use:



Spotbugs can't use default @SuppressWarnings annotation because it's a source annotation and not available in bytecode.


You may add additional spotbugs checks by declaring spotbugs plugins.


As, by default, spotbugs plugin applied automatically after configuration read, spotbugsPlugins configuration can't be used directly

You can register plugins using quality extension shortcut:

quality {
    spotbugsPlugin 'com.h3xstream.findsecbugs:findsecbugs-plugin:1.10.0'
    spotbugsPlugin 'com.mebigfatguy.fb-contrib:fb-contrib:7.4.7'        


Rules from plugins would be identified in console output:

[fb-contrib project | Correctness | FCBL_FIELD_COULD_BE_LOCAL] sample.(  [priority 2 / rank 7]
    >> Class sample.Sample defines fields that are used only as locals
  This class defines fields that are used in a locals only fashion,
  specifically private fields or protected fields in final classes that are accessed
  first in each method with a store vs. a load. This field could be replaced by one
  or more local variables.

Alternatively, you can use afterEvaluate to register directly in spotbugsPlugins configuration:

afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
        spotbugsPlugins 'com.mebigfatguy.fb-contrib:fb-contrib:7.4.7'

Or declare spotbugs plugin manually (it will be still configured by quality plugin) and use spotbugsPlugins configuration directly:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.spotbugs' version '2.0.1'
dependencies {
    spotbugsPlugins 'com.mebigfatguy.fb-contrib:fb-contrib:7.4.7'


All these approaches could work together, but better stick to one.

Available plugins

Find Security Bugs (site)

quality {
    spotbugsPlugin 'com.h3xstream.findsecbugs:findsecbugs-plugin:1.10.0'

fb-contrib: A FindBugs auxiliary detector plugin (site)

qualtiy {
    spotbugsPlugin 'com.mebigfatguy.fb-contrib:fb-contrib:7.4.7'


Use spotbugs-annotations to guide spotbugs nullability checks (@NonNull and @Nullable). Add com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations:3.1.2 dependency (with provided scope if possible).


Before, annotations from Jsr-305 were used (, but now it is dead. Remove jsr-305 jar if it were used and use undeprecated @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull and @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable

Pay attention becuase libraries still bring-in jsr-305 jar (e.g. guava does): do not use javax.annotation.Nullable because it may lead to split package problem on java9 and above (not always)

Another alternative is chaker framework annotations: org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.0.0. Guava already switched to use them, so if you use it you may already have these annotations.

Using checker framework annotations should be preferable because it's on the track to community acceptance as default jsr-305 replacement. Besides, it's the only advanced java types system extension and validation tool.


Even if you will use other annotations, people using checker framework with your library would still benefit from your annotations because checker framework understands almost all of them.


  • If checker framework available (org.checkerframework:checker-qual) use it: org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable
  • Otherwise, use spotbugs-annotations (com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations): edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable
  • Avoid using jsr-305 directly ( javax.annotation.Nullable


Here is an example, which will force you to use nullability annotations.

When you use guava functions or predicates you may receive this:

[NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE] input must be nonnull but is marked as nullable 

The reason for this is that guava use @Nullable annotation, which is @Inherited, so even if you not set annotation on your own function or predicate it will still be visible.

The simplest workaround is to set @NonNull annotation on your function or predicate:

public boolean apply(@NonNull final Object input) {


NP_METHOD_PARAMETER_TIGHTENS_ANNOTATION check was disabled because it does not allow this workaround to work

Problems resolution


If you specify older (prior 4.0.1) spotbugs verson, you may face asm problem as plugin forces asm 7.3.1 (for spotbugs 4.0.1):

dependencies {
    spotbugs "com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs:$extension.spotbugsVersion"
    spotbugs "org.ow2.asm:asm:7.3.1"

This is required because gradle (5.x) downgrades asm:

gradlew dependencyInsight --configuration spotbugs --dependency org.ow2.asm:asm

org.ow2.asm:asm:7.2 (selected by rule)
org.ow2.asm:asm:7.3.1 -> 7.2

Which may cause (not always!) execution errors like:

Execution failed for task ':spotbugsMain'.
> Failed to run Gradle SpotBugs Worker
   > org/objectweb/asm/RecordComponentVisitor

So if you use older gradle simply set correct asm version:

afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
        spotbugs "org.ow2.asm:asm:$requiredVersion"


Spotbugs plugin use slf4j for logging and by default applies slf4j-simple into spotbugs worker classpath. Sometimes this cause problems due to used sl4j version mismatch with gradl slf4j.

To avoid such situations, quality plugin removes "sl4j-simple" dependency from "spotbugs" configuration.

As downside, you will see warnings:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

You can easily remove them by specifying sl4j-nop dependency:

afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
        spotbugs "org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:1.7.25"


It wasn't provided by plugin in order to not introduce new problems with slf4j versions mismatch.

And, in case if you need to see spotbugs logs, then get back slf4j-simple dependency:

afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
        spotbugs "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.25"


Slf4j 1.7.25 is correct version for gradle 5.6.4, for your gradle different version may be required.

New gradle plugin

Plugin still uses old spotbugs plugin 2.0.1 and new version 4.0.5 already available. But, 4.0 was almost complete plugin rewrite and it conceptually changes some things. Eventually, I will support this new plugin, but for now old one is working and is good enough.

New spotbugs plugin has different maven coordinates and different package, so it doesn't override old one.

If you will try to activate new spotbugs plugin manually then you will need to disable spotbubgs in quality plugin so old plugin would not be activated automatically:

quality.spotbugs = false

After disabling old plugin, configure new spotbugs plugin manually.