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Module autowiring

Because guice modules are registered in dropwizard init section only Bootstrap instance is available. Often Environment and Configuration objects are also required.

Autowiring interfaces

Guicey can automatically inject environment and configuration objects into your module if it implements any of (or all of them): BootstrapAwareModule, EnvironmentAwareModule and ConfigurationAwareModule interfaces.

Reference object will be set to module just before injector creation, so you can use it inside your module logic (configuration method).


Module autowiring will only work for modules directly set to modules() (of main bundle or any guicey bundle).

public class MyModule implements EnvironmentAwareModule {
    private Environemnt environment;

    public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
        this.environment = environment;

    protected void configure() {
        // use environment here

Autowiring base class

To avoid manually implementing interfaces (avoid boilerplate) you can use DropwizardAwareModule as base class which already implements all autowiring interfaces:

public class MyModule extends DropwizardAwareModule<MyConfiguration> {
    protected void configure() {
        bootstrap()     // Bootstrap instance
        environment()   // Environment instance
        configuration() // MyConfiguration instance
        appPackage()    // application class package 