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Getting started


Plugin does not install python and pip itself and use globally installed python (by default). It's easier to prepare python manually because python have good compatibility (from user perspective) and does not need to be updated often.


Maven Central Gradle Plugin Portal

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'ru.vyarus:gradle-use-python-plugin:2.3.0'
apply plugin: 'ru.vyarus.use-python'


plugins {
    id 'ru.vyarus.use-python' version '2.3.0'

Compatibility matrix

Python & Pip

Make sure python and pip are installed:

python --version  
pip --version

On *nix python usually reference python2. For python3:

python3 --version  
pip3 --version

Install python if required.

Pip modules

If additional pip modules required configure them:

python.pip 'module1:1.0', 'module2:1.0'


python {
    pip 'module1:1.0'
    pip 'module2:1.0'


Version ranges are not allowed for reproducible builds! (but, eventually, there would be problems in any case because of transitive dependencies)

Module features and VCS modules supported.


Default behaviour:

  • if virtualenv module installed (or automatically installed): manage pip dependencies per project (env .gradle/python created)
  • if no virtualenv - use user scope (--user pip flag): pip modules are installed only for current user (this avoid permission problems on linux)

To change defaults:

python.scope = VIRTUALENV
  • GLOBAL - install modules globally (this may not work on linux due to permissions)
  • USER - use --user flag to install for current user only
  • VIRTUALENV_OR_USER - default
  • VIRTUALENV - use virtualenv (if module not installed - error thrown)


For multi-module projects, by default, plugin will create virtualenv inside the root project directory in order to share the same environment for all modules (but this could be changed).


Call python command:

task cmd(type: PythonTask) {
    command = "-c print('sample')"

called: python -c print('sample') on win and python -c exec("print('sample')") on *nix (exec applied automatically for compatibility)


Each PythonTask would depend on checkPython and pipInstall tasks which would prepare python environment before actual execution.

Call multi-line command:

task cmd(type: PythonTask) {
    command = "-c \"import sys; print(sys.prefix)\""

called: python -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)" on win and python -c exec("import sys; print(sys.prefix)") on *nix


It is important to wrap script with space in quotes (otherwise parser will incorrectly parse arguments).

See command parsing specifics and env variables usage

String command is used for simplicity, but it could be array/collection of args:

task script(type: PythonTask) { 
    command = ['path/to/', '1', '2'] 


task mod(type: PythonTask) {
    module = 'sample' 
    command = "mod args"

called: python -m sample mod args


task script(type: PythonTask) { 
    command = "path/to/ 1 2"

called: python path/to/ 1 2 (arguments are optional, just for demo)