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mkdocsInit task generate initial site version into src/doc (or custom location).


Plugin does not use mkdocs new command for site generation: custom template used with pre-configured plugins and enabled material theme.

Task will do nothing if target folder exists and not empty.

Dev server

mkdocsServe task start live reload server (used during development) on


Python process will not be killed after you stop gradle execution (search and kill python process manually). This is a known gradle problem and the only known workaround is to start task without daemon: gradlew mkdocsServe --no-daemon. Another alternative is to start serve command directly: copy console command from task execution log and use it directly.


mkdocsBuild task will generate (suppose project version is '1.0-SNAPSHOT'):

    /1.0-SNAPSHOT/    - mkdocs site
    index.html        - redirect to correct site

Plugin is configured for multi-version documentation publishing: each version is in it's own folder and special index.html at the root will redirect to the latest version (when published).

Everything in build/mkdocs/ is assumed to be published into github pages.


As documentation is often updated for already released version, it makes sense to define current version manually (or define it when you need to publish to exact version):

mkdocs.publish.docPath = '1.0'

For multi-module documentation, mkdocsVersionsFile may be called instead of mkdocsBuild in order to generate versions.json and be able to test version switcher (ofc. it would not be able to actually switch version, but will correctly show all available versions (after publication list would be the same))

Update old documentation

When older documentation version needs to be updated switch off redirection index.html generation (so it would not override redirection to the latest version):

mkdocs.publish {
    docPath = '0.9'  
    rootRedirect = false  // site root must still redirect to '1.0' (assume it's already published)

Will build:

    /0.9/    - mkdocs site for old version


mkdocsPublish calls mkdocsBuild and publish contents of build/mkdocs/ into git repo (by default, gh-pages branch in current repo).

See publication for more details.

Custom Mkdocs task

If you need to use custom mkdocs command:

task doSomething(type: MkdocsTask) {
    command = '--help'


Full task package is not required because MkdocsTask is actually a property, regustered by plugin with the full class name in value.

:doSomething task call will do: python -m mkdocs --help.