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Plugin does not use mkdocs publication, because it does not support multi-versioning. Instead, git-publish plugin is used for publication.


Mkdocs-material suggests mike tool usage for publication. Gradle plugin implements absolutely the same workflow as mike, but much easier customizable (as gradle plugin). Material theme would still be able to show version switcher because plugin generates required versions.json file.

By default, no configuration is required. Only project itself must be published to git so that plugin could calculate default url (or mkdocs.publish.repoUrl manually specified).

On the first mkdocsPublish task call:

  • gh-pages branch will be created in the same repo
  • built site pushed to gh-pages repository branch

Later mkdocsPublish task calls will only remove current version folder (replace with the new one) or publish completely new version only.

You can find actual gh-pages branch inside .gradle/gh-pages (this checkout is used for publishing). Gradle folder is used to cache repository checkout because eventually it would contain many versions and there is no need to checkout all of them each time (folder could be changed with mkdocs.publish.repoDir).


By default, git-publish will ask credentials with a popup (swing). Even if github pages are published on the same repo, the repo is checked out into different folder and so current repository credentials can't be used automatically.

You can specify credentials as:

  • Environment variables: GRGIT_USER (could be github token), GRGIT_PASS
  • System properties: org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.username (could be github token), org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.password
  • Ssh key properties: org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.ssh.private (path to key), org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.ssh.passphrase

See details in grgit docs.

Plugin will automatically bind gradle properties org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.* to system properties (just before gitPublishReset). This allows you to define credentials as global gradle properties in ~/.gradle/


For testing, you can define properties inside gradle script:

ext['org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.username'] = 'user'
ext['org.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.password'] = 'pass'  

Publish additional resources

If you want to publish not only generated site, but something else too then configure git-publish plugin to include additional content.

For example, to include javadoc:

gitPublish.contents {
    from(javadoc) {
        // need to use resolveDocPath because by default it's a template 
        into "${mkdocs.resolveDocPath()}/javadoc"

// dependency will NOT be set automatically by copySpec above
gitPublishReset.dependsOn javadoc


When multi-version publishing is not used (mkdocs.publish.docPath set to null) ${mkdocs.resolveDocPath()}/ would be resolved as ./ and so path would work properly in both modes.

With this configuration, calling mkdocsPublish will publish generated mkdocs site with extra javadoc folder inside (you can put relative link to it inside documentation).

Advanced publishing configuration

To be able to configure advanced cases, you need to understand how everything works in detail.

Here is how git-publish plugin is configured by default:

gitPublish {

    repoUri = mkdocs.publish.repoUri
    branch = mkdocs.publish.branch
    repoDir = file(mkdocs.publish.repoDir)
    commitMessage = mkdocs.publish.comment

    contents {

    if (multi_version_publish) {
        preserve {
            include '**'
            exclude "${mkdocs.publish.docPath}/**"

Customized tasks dependency chain:

mkdocsBuild <- gitPublishReset <- gitPublishCopy <- gitPublishCommit <- gitPublishPush <- mkdocsPublish

Publication process:

  1. mkdocsBuild build site into $mkdocs.buildDir/$mkdocs.publish.docPath (by default, build/mkdocs/$version/)
    • root redirect index.html generated (by default, build/mkdocs/index.html)
    • if required, alias folders would be generated too (by copying generated version content)
  2. gitPublishReset clones gh-pages repo (by default, into .gradle/gh-pages) or creates new one
    • cleanup repo according to gitPublish.preserve (by default, .gradle/gh-pages/$version/ folder removed only)
  3. mkdocsVersionsFile generates versions.json file based on version folders checked out from gh-pages repository (file generated in $mkdocs.buildDir)
  4. gitPublishCopy copies everything according to gitPublish.contents (by default, everything from build/mkdocs)
  5. gitPublishCommit, gitPublishPush - commit changes and push to gh-pages repository (by default, gh-pages branch in current repo)

You can configure additional folders for publication with contents (as shown above with javadoc) and cleanup extra directories with preserve configuration. For example:

gitPublish {
    contents {
        from 'build/custom-dir' {
            into 'custom-dir'        

    preserve {
        exclude 'custom-dir'

Here extra build/custom-dir directory added for publication (into custom-dir) and previous custom-dir folder (already committed) will be removed before publication.


site_url configuration defined in mkdocs.yml should point to the site root. It may be github pages or some custom domain. Setting affect home icon link, page metadata and links in generated sitemap.xml.

When multi-version publishing used (by default), this url must point to documentation version folder (otherwise links will be incorrect in the sitemap). To avoid manual changes, just configure root site url (e.g. and plugin will automatically change site_url before mkdocsBuild (for example, to; see build log - it will show updated url). Config is reverted back after the task, so you will not have to commit or revert changes.

If site_url option is not defined at all (or multi-version publishing is not enabled) then config will not be changed.

You can disable automatic configuration changes:

mkdocs.updateSiteUrl = false

Note that mkdocsServe is not affected (will generate with the original site_url) because it is not important for documentation writing (you can always call mkdocsBuild and validate urls correctness).