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The plugin supports 3 report types:

  1. Console report (always enabled) - simplifies errors resolution
  2. Text file - human-readable text report
  3. CSV file (always enabled) - required by plugin internally; could be used for external tool integration


As plugin was written in the same manner as other gradle quality plugins, reports configuration is also the same.

File reports directory could be set with:

animalsniffer {
    reportsDir = file("$project.buildDir/reports/animalsniffer")

Console report

Example output:

2 AnimalSniffer violations were found in 1 files. See the report at: file:///myproject/build/reports/animalsniffer/main.text

[Undefined reference] invalid.(
>> int, boolean)

[Undefined reference] invalid.(
>> java.nio.file.Path java.nio.file.Paths.get(String, String[])

Class in braces ( should be clickable in IDE, and so you could quickly find the place of the problem.

When the problem detected in class field, animalsniffer reports field name, but without line:

public class Sample {

    private Path field;
[Undefined reference] invalid.( #field
  >> java.nio.file.Path

In this case, the class link would only open the source file (no way to know the exact line - animalsniffer does not provide it).

Text report

Human-readable text report. The link to text report is printed in the console report, so it could be opened directly.


invalid.Sample:11  Undefined reference: int, boolean)
invalid.Sample:16  Undefined reference: java.nio.file.Path java.nio.file.Paths.get(String, String[])

Each line is a single error.

As was described above, for class field-related errors, line number would be incorrect:

invalid.Sample:1 (#field)  Undefined reference: java.nio.file.Path

Text report could be disabled with:

tasks.withType(AnimalSniffer) {
    reports.text.required = false

Changed report output (only for one report type):

tasks.withType(AnimalSniffer) {
    reports.text.outputLocation = file('build/custom.txt')

CSV report

The plugin uses CSV report to get an error list from animalsniffer (executed by gradle worker; possibly, in different jvm) into a plugin task (console and text reports are generated from CSV report).

The report could be useful for external tools integration as it contains easily parsable data.

Example report:

java16-sun-1.0;;13;;int, boolean);false


  1. Signature name
  2. Source file
  3. Source line (could be empty)
  4. Source field (could be empty)
  5. Error message
  6. Animalsniffer message parsing status: true if parse failed (in this case, only message column would contain the entire (not parsed) message)

It is not possible to disable this report (plugin simply ignores reports.csv.required setting). But the location of CSV file could be configured (only for one report type):

tasks.withType(AnimalSniffer) {
    reports.csv.outputLocation = file('build/custom.csv')