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2.0.0 Release notes

(breaking) Require gradle 7 or above

Dropped support for gradle 5 and 6

(breaking) Check fails without signatures

Before, animalsniffer check task was skipped when no signatures declared. Now it would fail. This was done to catch quite a common configuration error: absence of "signature" qualifier


dependencies {
    signature 'org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java16:1.1'


dependencies {
    signature 'org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java16:1.1@signature'

With old behavior, it was hard to detect incorrect configuration.

Old no-signatures behavior

Old behavior could be reverted with the new option:

animalsniffer {
    failWithoutSignatures = false

Projects building signature

The change above would also affect projects using animalsniffer plugin only to build signatures because check tasks are always registered (and so would fail on build).

In this case, either disable no-signatures fail:

animalsniffer {
    failWithoutSignatures = false

or detach all animalsniffer check tasks from the check task:

animalsniffer {
    defaultTargets = []
(read more about the new option below)


The primary plugin function is signature checking and so no-signatures fail must be enabled by default to prevent incorrect signatures configuration (unfortunately, quite common). Projects only building signatures would have to disable this check (sorry for inconvenience)

Changed default tasks selection

Before, the only way to define which animalsniffer tasks will run by default with the build (assigned to check task) was sourceSets option. And a common configuration was disabling test source checks (to check only main sources with the build):

animalsniffer {
    sourceSets = [sourceSets.main]

Now, test sources are not included by default. So the configuration above is not required anymore.

There is a new configuration property checkTestSources to be able to enable test sources back:

aniamlsniffer {
    checkTestSources = true  // by default false! 

sourceSets configuration is deprecated. It will still work, but now plugin supports android and kotlin multiplatform and this option simply can't cover all cases.

Instead, there is a new option defaultTargets: you can specify required targets there for animalsniffer tasks to run with build.

Target name is:

  1. Source set name for java plugins (java, kotlin, scala, groovy)
  2. Android variant or test component name for Android
  3. Platform compilation name for kotlin multiplatform

By default, defaultTargets = null which means making all non-test (no 'test' in target name) animalsniffer tasks default.

Target platforms could be set with property:

animalsniffer {
    defaultTargets = ['main']

or with method:

animalsniffer {
    defaultTargets 'main'


If you want to avoid all animalsniffer tasks during build set:

defaultTargets = []


You can see all registered animalsniffer tasks with printAnimalsnifferTasks task

Android projects support


Thanks to @LikeTheSalad for initial android support implementation. Without it, android support would not happen so soon (it was the main trigger for all other changes in version 2.0).

Android support activated with or plugins.

Android variants and test components used for animalsniffer tasks source. By default: debug and release variants and debugAndroidTest, debugUnitTest and releaseUnitTest test components.

As test animalsniffer tasks not enabled by default, then only animalsnifferDebug and animalsnifferRelease tasks would be assigned to check (to run as part of the build).

But, in many projects, dubug and release variants would contain the same sources, so it would make sense to preserve only one of them:

animalsniffer {
    defaultTargets 'debug'


I can't apply this by default in case of android plugin because I don't know the specifics of your exact project.

There is a complete android project example, created with the android studio, with animalsniffer plugin activated (no special errors applied).

Collector task

The new android api requires an additional task to be able to get access to configured sources. That's why plugin registers additinoal "collector" tasks (like debugAnimalsnifferClassesCollector) - it is used ONLY to receive android configuration (no actual action in task itself)

Kotlin multiplatform projects support

Kotlin multiplatform support activated for org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform plugin.


Before, it was required to apply .withJvm() in order to activate animalsniffer. It is not required anymore - complete support was implemented. If you use .withJvm() plugin will not duplicate animlasniffer tasks (because it enables java-base plugin) - only multiplatform support would work.

Platform compilations used for animalsniffer tasks source.

For example, in a simple case with one platform:

kotlin {

Two animalsniffer tasks would be registered: animalsnifferJvmMain and animalsnifferJvmTest.


Tasks for "metadata" (common platform) is not registered because these sources are always included in each platform (and animalsniffer would check them)


When multiplatform used with android plugin, then "android platform" would be ignored - direct android support would be used instead (but missed kotlin sources would be added to android check tasks).

For example, suppose we have a project with two platforms:

kotlin {
    androidTarget { ... }

Then animalsniffer tasks for jvm platform would be registered by multiplatform support and android tasks by android support: animalsnifferDebug, animalsnifferDebugAndroidTest, animalsnifferDebugUnitTest, animalsnifferJvmMain, animalsnifferJvmTest, animalsnifferRelease, animalsnifferReleaseUnitTest.

Default tasks (assigned to check) would be: animalsnifferDebug, animalsnifferJvmMain and animalsnifferRelease

If you want to check only jvm sources with the build:

animlasniffer {
    defaultTargets 'jvmMain'

There is a complete multiplatform project examples (generated with kotlin init site) with configured animalsniffer plugin (but without errors):

Improved debug

As before, debug option (animalsniffer.debug = true) prints debug info just before animalsniffer task execution (configured signatures, classes to check and source paths).

With java plugins, it was obvious what tasks plugin would register (task per source set). But with android and kotlin multiplatform plugins, it might not be obvious.

A new printAnimalsnifferTasks was added to see all registered check tasks.

Java plugin sample:

> Task :printAnimalsnifferTasks

    animalsnifferMain                   [default]       for 'main' source set
        report: build/reports/animalsniffer/main.text
        depends on: classes

Android plugin sample:

    animalsnifferDebug                  [default]       for 'debug' android variant
        report: build/reports/animalsniffer/debug.text
        depends on: debugAnimalsnifferClassesCollector
            build/generated/aidl_source_output_dir/debug/out                                 NOT EXISTS
            build/generated/renderscript_source_output_dir/debug/out                         NOT EXISTS
            src/debug/java                                                                   NOT EXISTS
            src/debug/kotlin                                                                 NOT EXISTS
            src/main/kotlin                                                                  NOT EXISTS

Kotlin multiplatform sample:

    animalsnifferJvmMain                [default]       for kotlin platform 'jvm' compilation 'main'
        report: build/reports/animalsniffer/jvmMain.text
        depends on: jvmMainClasses
            src/commonMain/kotlin                                                            NOT EXISTS


For each task, source origin is described, .e.g. "for kotlin platform 'jvm' compilation 'main'". [default] marker means that task is attached to check task (use animalsniffer.defaultTaragets to change it)

Read more in docs

Another special task was added during android and multiplatform support development, to better understand compilation tasks and sources structure.

printAnimalsnifferSourceInfo prints registered plugins, compile tasks, all source sets, android and kotlin components.

This task might be useful for bug reports in case when animalsniffer task misses some sources.

Read more in docs. See example outputs for java, android and multiplatform

CSV report

There was a text report, looking like this (each line - error description):

invalid.Sample:1 (#field)  Undefined reference: java.nio.file.Path
invalid.Sample:13  Undefined reference: int, boolean)

Now there is also a CSV report:

java16-sun-1.0;;13;;int, boolean);false

This CSV report is required because now animalsniffer run inside gradle worker (which may run even in different jvm) and the only way to get access to found errors in check task itself is an intermediate file.

This might be an internal file, but I preserved it as a task report to let other tools (if any) use it for error representation (and avoid additional parsing).

New task properties

Added properties to help distinguish animalsniffer tasks:

  • targetType - task source origin: Java, Multiplatform, Android
  • targetName - task target name (e.g. "main" (source set), "debug" (variant), "jvmMain" platform compilation)

It might be useful if you need to configure tasks based on a registration source (for whatever reason). For example:

tasks.withType(AnimalSniffer).configureEach { task ->
    // no package required for TargetType enum because it's name registered as shortcut
    if (task.targetType == TargetType.Android) {
        // do something

Other changes

  • Gradle configuration cache compatibility (required for gradle 9)
  • All animalsniffer tasks now belong to the animalsniffer group (in IDE, you could find all of them under animalsniffer tasks subfolder)
  • Animalsniffer now used directly (with gradle worker) and not through intermediate ant tasks
  • Renamed caching tasks to differentiate them with check tasks: before, cache tasks prefix was "animalsnifferCache", now "cache". Also renamed target (cache) signature path: /animalsniffer/cache/[checkTargetName]/[checkTaskName]Cache.sig
  • Change source field names representation in reports (in some cases, animalsniffer shows class field name instead of source line): before field was shown as "fieldName field" now "#fieldName"

Migration notes

Plugin would work as before, except for projects only building signatures (read above). For such projects, just disable no-signatures check:

animalsniffer {
    failWithoutSignatires = false

If you were configuring sourceSets like this: sourceSets = [sourceSets.main] - it is not required anymore, just remove. For more complex source sets configuration, consider migration into defaultTargets option.

In kotlin multiplatform project, if you use .withJava() only to enable animalsniffer checks - it is not required anymore (and could be removed if not needed).

Test tasks are not assigned to check (test sources not checked with the build, by default). To revert old behaviour:

animalsniffer {
    checkTestSources = true