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Spock 2

There are no special extensions for Spock 2 (like it was for spock 1), instead I did an extra integration library, so you can use existing Junit 5 extensions with spock.


You are not limited to guicey junit 5 extensions, you can use (almost) any junit 5 extensions. And you can use any other spock extensions together with junit extensions.


You will need the following dependencies (assuming BOM used for versions management):

testImplementation 'ru.vyarus:spock-junit5'
testImplementation 'org.spockframework:spock-core:2.3-groovy-3.0'
testImplementation 'io.dropwizard:dropwizard-testing'
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api'


In gradle you need to explicitly activate junit 5 support with

test {


See junit 5 extensions docs for usage details (it's all used the same).


Junit 5 extensions would not work with @Shared spock fields! You can still use such fields directly, but don't expect junit 5 extensions to be able to work with such fields (they can't "see" it).

Here is a simple example:

class MyTest extends Specification {

    @Inject MyService service

    def "Check something" (ClientSupport client) {

        when: "calling rest endpoint"
        def res = client.targetRest("foo/bar").request()

        then: "result correct"
        res == "something"

        and: "service called"


Note that parameter injection will also work in test and fixture (setup/cleanup) methods

Overall, you get best of both worlds: same extensions as in junit 5 (and ability to use all other junit extensions) and spock expressiveness for writing tests.

Testing commands


Commands execution overrides System IO and so can't run in parallel with other tests!

Use @Isolated on such tests to prevent parallel execution with other tests

Command execution is usually a short-lived action, so it is not possible to write an extension for it. Command could be tested only with generic utility:

def "Test command execution"() {

    when: "executing command"
    CommandResult result = TestSupport.buildCommandRunner(App)
            .run("cmd", "-p", "param")

    then: "success"

Read more details in junit 5 guide


The same utility could be used to test application startup fails

Special cases

Junit 5 doc describes system stubs library usage. It is completely valid for spock, I'll just show a few examples here on how to:

  • Modify (and reset) environment variables
  • Modify (and reset) system properties
  • Validate system output (e.g. testing logs)
  • Intercepting system exit
class StartupErrorTest extends Specification {

    SystemExit exit
    SystemErr err

    def "Check app crash"() {

        when: "starting app"
        exit.execute(() -> {
            new App().run(['server'] as String[])

        then: "error"
        exit.exitCode == 1
        err.text.contains("Error message text")
class EnvironmentChangeTest extends Specification {

    EnvironmentVariables ENV
    SystemOut out
    SystemProperties propsReset

    def "Check variables mapping"() {

        ENV.set("VAR", "1")
        System.setProperty("foo", "bar") // OR propsReset.set("foo", "bar") - both works the same

        // something requiring custom env or property values

        // validate system output (e.g. logs correctness)
        out.text.contains("Some message assumed to be logged")


Use test framework-agnostic utilities to run application with configuration or to run application without web part (for faster test).