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Yaml values report

Prints all available direct yaml values:

     // or printCustomConfigurationBindings() to avoid dropwizard bindings 


Even if custom binding report selected (printCustomConfigurationBindings()), guicey will always bind all bindings, including dropwizard Configuration class. Custom config report could just shows less for simplicity.

Will print:

INFO  [2018-06-18 05:55:03,532] Available configuration bindings = 

    ComplexGenericCase (visible paths)
    ├── sub: ComplexGenericCase.Sub<String>
    │   └── smth: String = null
    ├── logging: DefaultLoggingFactory
    │   ├── level: String = "INFO"
    │   ├── loggers: RegularImmutableMap<String, JsonNode> = {}
    │   └── appenders: SingletonImmutableList<AppenderFactory<ILoggingEvent>> = [io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@1b7332a7]
    ├── metrics: MetricsFactory
    │   ├── frequency: Duration = 1 minute
    │   └── reporters: RegularImmutableList<ReporterFactory> = []
    └── server: DefaultServerFactory
        ├── maxThreads: Integer = 1024
        ├── minThreads: Integer = 8
        ├── maxQueuedRequests: Integer = 1024
        ├── idleThreadTimeout: Duration = 1 minute
        ├── nofileSoftLimit: Integer = null
        ├── nofileHardLimit: Integer = null
        ├── gid: Integer = null
        ├── uid: Integer = null
        ├── user: String = null
        ├── group: String = null
        ├── umask: String = null
        ├── startsAsRoot: Boolean = null
        ├── registerDefaultExceptionMappers: Boolean = true
        ├── detailedJsonProcessingExceptionMapper: Boolean = false
        ├── shutdownGracePeriod: Duration = 30 seconds
        ├── allowedMethods: HashSet<String> = [HEAD, DELETE, POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH]
        ├── enableThreadNameFilter: Boolean = true
        ├── applicationConnectors: ArrayList<ConnectorFactory> = [io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@33063f5b]
        ├── adminConnectors: ArrayList<ConnectorFactory> = [io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@227a47]
        ├── adminMaxThreads: Integer = 64
        ├── adminMinThreads: Integer = 1
        ├── applicationContextPath: String = "/"
        ├── adminContextPath: String = "/"
        ├── serverPush: ServerPushFilterFactory
        │   ├── enabled: Boolean = false
        │   ├── associatePeriod: Duration = 4 seconds
        │   ├── maxAssociations: Integer = 16
        │   ├── refererHosts: List<String> = null
        │   └── refererPorts: List<Integer> = null
        ├── rootPath: Optional<String> = Optional.empty
        ├── requestLog: LogbackAccessRequestLogFactory
        │   └── appenders: SingletonImmutableList<AppenderFactory<IAccessEvent>> = [io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@58a2b4c]
        └── gzip: GzipHandlerFactory
            ├── enabled: Boolean = true
            ├── minimumEntitySize: Size = 256 bytes
            ├── bufferSize: Size = 8 kilobytes
            ├── excludedUserAgentPatterns: HashSet<String> = []
            ├── compressedMimeTypes: Set<String> = null
            ├── includedMethods: Set<String> = null
            ├── deflateCompressionLevel: Integer = -1
            ├── gzipCompatibleInflation: Boolean = true
            └── syncFlush: Boolean = false

    Configuration object bindings:
        @Config ComplexGenericCase
        @Config Configuration

    Unique sub configuration objects bindings:

            @Config ComplexGenericCase.Sub<String> = null

            @Config LoggingFactory (with actual type DefaultLoggingFactory) = DefaultLoggingFactory{level=INFO, loggers={}, appenders=[io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@1b7332a7]}

            @Config MetricsFactory = MetricsFactory{frequency=1 minute, reporters=[]}

            @Config ServerFactory (with actual type DefaultServerFactory) = DefaultServerFactory{applicationConnectors=[io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@33063f5b], adminConnectors=[io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@227a47], adminMaxThreads=64, adminMinThreads=1, applicationContextPath=/, adminContextPath=/}

            @Config GzipHandlerFactory = io.dropwizard.jetty.GzipHandlerFactory@15405bd6

            @Config RequestLogFactory<RequestLog> (with actual type LogbackAccessRequestLogFactory) = io.dropwizard.request.logging.LogbackAccessRequestLogFactory@6de30571

            @Config ServerPushFilterFactory = io.dropwizard.jetty.ServerPushFilterFactory@3240b2a4

    Configuration paths bindings:

            @Config("sub") ComplexGenericCase.Sub<String> = null
            @Config("sub.smth") String = null

            @Config("logging") LoggingFactory (with actual type DefaultLoggingFactory) = DefaultLoggingFactory{level=INFO, loggers={}, appenders=[io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@1b7332a7]}
            @Config("logging.appenders") List<AppenderFactory<ILoggingEvent>> (with actual type SingletonImmutableList<AppenderFactory<ILoggingEvent>>) = [io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@1b7332a7]
            @Config("logging.level") String = "INFO"
            @Config("logging.loggers") Map<String, JsonNode> (with actual type RegularImmutableMap<String, JsonNode>) = {}
            @Config("metrics") MetricsFactory = MetricsFactory{frequency=1 minute, reporters=[]}
            @Config("metrics.frequency") Duration = 1 minute
            @Config("metrics.reporters") List<ReporterFactory> (with actual type RegularImmutableList<ReporterFactory>) = []
            @Config("server") ServerFactory (with actual type DefaultServerFactory) = DefaultServerFactory{applicationConnectors=[io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@33063f5b], adminConnectors=[io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@227a47], adminMaxThreads=64, adminMinThreads=1, applicationContextPath=/, adminContextPath=/}
            @Config("server.adminConnectors") List<ConnectorFactory> (with actual type ArrayList<ConnectorFactory>) = [io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@227a47]
            @Config("server.adminContextPath") String = "/"
            @Config("server.adminMaxThreads") Integer = 64
            @Config("server.adminMinThreads") Integer = 1
            @Config("server.allowedMethods") Set<String> (with actual type HashSet<String>) = [HEAD, DELETE, POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH]
            @Config("server.applicationConnectors") List<ConnectorFactory> (with actual type ArrayList<ConnectorFactory>) = [io.dropwizard.jetty.HttpConnectorFactory@33063f5b]
            @Config("server.applicationContextPath") String = "/"
            @Config("server.detailedJsonProcessingExceptionMapper") Boolean = false
            @Config("server.enableThreadNameFilter") Boolean = true
            @Config("server.gid") Integer = null
            @Config("") String = null
            @Config("server.gzip") GzipHandlerFactory = io.dropwizard.jetty.GzipHandlerFactory@15405bd6
            @Config("server.gzip.bufferSize") Size = 8 kilobytes
            @Config("server.gzip.compressedMimeTypes") Set<String> = null
            @Config("server.gzip.deflateCompressionLevel") Integer = -1
            @Config("server.gzip.enabled") Boolean = true
            @Config("server.gzip.excludedUserAgentPatterns") Set<String> (with actual type HashSet<String>) = []
            @Config("server.gzip.gzipCompatibleInflation") Boolean = true
            @Config("server.gzip.includedMethods") Set<String> = null
            @Config("server.gzip.minimumEntitySize") Size = 256 bytes
            @Config("server.gzip.syncFlush") Boolean = false
            @Config("server.idleThreadTimeout") Duration = 1 minute
            @Config("server.maxQueuedRequests") Integer = 1024
            @Config("server.maxThreads") Integer = 1024
            @Config("server.minThreads") Integer = 8
            @Config("server.nofileHardLimit") Integer = null
            @Config("server.nofileSoftLimit") Integer = null
            @Config("server.registerDefaultExceptionMappers") Boolean = true
            @Config("server.requestLog") RequestLogFactory<RequestLog> (with actual type LogbackAccessRequestLogFactory) = io.dropwizard.request.logging.LogbackAccessRequestLogFactory@6de30571
            @Config("server.requestLog.appenders") List<AppenderFactory<IAccessEvent>> (with actual type SingletonImmutableList<AppenderFactory<IAccessEvent>>) = [io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@58a2b4c]
            @Config("server.rootPath") Optional<String> = Optional.empty
            @Config("server.serverPush") ServerPushFilterFactory = io.dropwizard.jetty.ServerPushFilterFactory@3240b2a4
            @Config("server.serverPush.associatePeriod") Duration = 4 seconds
            @Config("server.serverPush.enabled") Boolean = false
            @Config("server.serverPush.maxAssociations") Integer = 16
            @Config("server.serverPush.refererHosts") List<String> = null
            @Config("server.serverPush.refererPorts") List<Integer> = null
            @Config("server.shutdownGracePeriod") Duration = 30 seconds
            @Config("server.startsAsRoot") Boolean = null
            @Config("server.uid") Integer = null
            @Config("server.umask") String = null
            @Config("server.user") String = null

Here you can see:

  • All visible configuration values (as tree).
  • Types and interfaces for configuration object
  • Unique sub configuration objects
  • Values bound to guice context


Report is mostly intended to be used to see available guice bindings and that's why @Config annotation is shown almost everywhere. For example,

@Config("server.serverPush.enabled") Boolean = false

means that the following injection will work:

@Inject @Config("server.serverPush.enabled") Boolean pushEnabled;

And it will be set to "false".


Report is printed before guice injector creation to let you review all available bindings when injector creation fails due to incorrect configuration value binding.

The same for unique objects:

            @Config LoggingFactory (with actual type DefaultLoggingFactory) = DefaultLoggingFactory{level=INFO, loggers={}, appenders=[io.dropwizard.logging.ConsoleAppenderFactory@1b7332a7]}

Means available injection:

@Inject @Config LoggingFactory logginFactory;


Declaration type is always used (LoggingFactory) even when runtype type is known ((with actual type DefaultLoggingFactory)). This is important to keep bindings consistent (otherwise they would always change, depending on actual config value).

Direct values access

But report is also handful for direct values access (through ConfigurationTree object).

For example, accessing value by path:

tree.valueByPath("logging.level") == INFO

Or unique object access:

tree.valueByUniqueDeclaredType(MetricsFactory.class) == <factory instance>

Report customization

Report is implemented as guicey event listener and provide additional customization options, so if default configuration (from shortcut methods above) does not fit your needs you can register listener directly with required configuration.

For example, custom bindings report is configured like this:

listen(new YamlBindingsDiagnostic(
            new BindingsConfig()

Report rendering logic may also be used directly as report provide separate renderer object implementing ReportRenderer. Renderer not bound to guice context and assume direct instantiation.

For examples of direct renderer usage see events implementation:

  • RunPhaseEvent.renderConfigurationBindings()