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Modules analysis

Before injector start, guicey parse registered modules with guice SPI in order to:


Use guice report to see all available bindings


Only direct modules (.modules()) are analyzed! Overriding modules (.modulesOverride()) are ignored (intentionally).

Then all not removed bindings are composed to special module (even when no bindings removed, this avoid duplicate modules parsing on injector creation). That means that injector factory receive not user registered modules, but synthetic (with pre-parsed bindings) module instead.


The most time-consuming operation in analysis is modules parsing, which is actually performed in any case during guice injector creation. You can see this on statistics report: if you switch off analysis injector time will grow.

Extensions recognition

Guicey can recognize extensions in guice bindings (from configured guice modules). For example,

public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
    public void configure () {
        // right parts just for example 

Guicey will detect MyResource as jersey resource and MyManaged as managed extension.


Extensions annotated with @InvisibleForScanner are not recognized, like in classpath scanner. But note that annotated extensions should not be registered manually! Because it will lead to default extension binding registration by guicey, which will most likely conflict with existing binding (as a workaround @LazyBinding annotation may be used).

Alternatively, you can simply qualify bean and it would not be recognized as extension.

This is completely equivalent to

    .extensions(MyResource.class, MyManaged.class)


Internally, the same installers are used for extensions recognition and installation. The only difference is that guicey would not create default bindings for such extensions (because bindings already exists).


  • Only direct bindings (bind(..)) and linked keys (bind(..).to(..)) are checked.
  • Instances are not analyzed (bind(Something.class).toInstance(new Extension())) because extensions supposed to be guice-managed (not strictly required, but will allow to avoid aop-related problems). But, still it is possible to declare not guice managed extension with instance mapping to extension class or provider.
  • Generified (bind(new TypeLiteral<MyResource<String>(){})) and qualified (bind(MyResource.class).annotatedWith(Qualify.class)) bindings are ignored (simply because it's not obvious what to do with them).
  • Overriding modules are not checked as they supposed to be used for quick fixes and test mocking.

Will be recognized

// untargetted binding

// left side of the link

// right side of the link

// left side of instance or provider mapping
bind(Extension.class).toInstance(new Extension())

Will NOT be recognized

// instances not analysed
bind(Something.class).toInstance(new Extension())    

// extension-recignizable type must be strictly declared 

// generified declaration    
bind(new TypeLiteral<Extension<Somthing>(){})

// qualified declaration    

Side note

Qualified and generified cases are not supported because they imply that multiple instances of one class may be declared. This rise problems with direct manual declaration: for example, if user declare .extensions(Extension.class) and in module we have bind(Extension.class).annotatedWith(Qualify.class) how can we be sure if its the same declaration or not?

Current implementation will not revognize qualified extension and automatically create direct binding (bind(Extension.class)).

For sure someone will face generified or qualified extensions case, but it would be simplier to workaraund it in exact case, rather then trying to handle all posible cases in general, making everything more complex.

Disabled extensions

In order to disable extension, recognized from binding, guicey will simply remove this binding.

If extension was a part of longer links chain then entire chain would be removed too!

For example,


When Extension disabled One-->Two link is also removed.


  • First of all, this avoid error cases when remaining chain part contains only abstract types (e.g. only interfaces remains)
  • Removes possible incosistencies as long chains may appear due to some class overrides and so removing only top (overriding) class will just to "before override" state.

Removed chains are visible on guice report.

Transitive modules

During bindings analysis guicey can see binding modules hierarchy (module A install module B which register binding C). Using this guicey can remove all bindings relative to exact module class - the result is the same as if such module was never registered.

This is transitive modules disable implementation.

Disabling analysis

To completely switch off analysis use option:

.option(GuiceyOptions.AnalyzeModules, false)


When analysis is disabled, extensions recognition and transitive modules disables will not work anymore!

With disabled analysis injector factory will receive user provided modules directly (instead of pre-parsed synthetic module).


Enabled analysis completely prevent situations when default binding, created by guciey, conflict with manual binding existing in module. In such case startup will fail. Before modules analysis it was only possible to solve such issue with @LazyBinding annotation.


You can see analysis information under diagnostic report:


    ├── [9.3%] MODULES processed in 40.14 ms
    │   ├── 7 modules autowired
    │   ├── 8 elements found in 5 user modules in 36.53 ms
    │   └── 1 extensions detected from 3 acceptable bindings  


    ├── [0.70%] EXTENSIONS installed in 3.594 ms
    │   ├── 4 extensions installed
    │   └── declared as: 2 manual, 1 scan, 1 binding


    │   │   
    │   └── ModuleWithExtensions         (r.v.d.g.d.s.module)       
    │       └── extension  ModuleFeature                (r.v.d.g.d.s.m.ModuleWithExtensions) 


Here you can see that 5 user modules were analyzed out ot 7 overall modules. 2 avoided modules are GuiceBootstrapModule and some overriding module.

Modules contains 8 elements: this includes not only bindings, but also type listeners, aop handlers, etc (all declarations).

1 extensions detected from 3 acceptable bindings - only 3 bindings were acceptable for analysis (not generified and not qualified bindings) and 1 extension was recognized. Recognition could also be seen under EXTENSIONS section: declared as: 2 manual, 1 scan, 1 binding (note that numbers show detections, but single extension may be detected in multiple sources).

And, finally, configuration tree shows extension binding module. But it's always top-most registered module (binding could be actually declared in some transitive module)!

Removed bindings

If any bindings were removed, this would be also shown in report:


    ├── [11%] MODULES processed in 37.54 ms
    │   ├── 2 modules autowired
    │   ├── 4 elements found in 1 user modules in 32.43 ms
    │   ├── 2 extensions detected from 2 acceptable bindings
    │   ├── 3 elements removed
    │   └── 1 inner modules removed (types)


(removed links are also counted)

Guice bindings report shows exact removed items:

2 MODULES with 2 bindings
    └── TransitiveModule             (    
        ├── untargetted          [@Prototype]     Res1                                            at *EXTENSION
        ├── untargetted          [@Prototype]     Res2                                            at *EXTENSION, REMOVED
        └── Inner                        (r.v.d.g.d.r.g.s.TransitiveModule) *REMOVED

Here entire module Inner and Res2 extension binding removed.

Removed chains are shown as:

    └── Base  --[linked]-->  Ext  --[linked]-->  ExtImpl       *CHAIN REMOVED