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Example of dropwizard authentication usage with guice.

Simple auth

Using dropwizard oauth example as basement. Other auth types are configured in similar way.

public class OAuthDynamicFeature extends AuthDynamicFeature {

    public OAuthDynamicFeature(OAuthAuthenticator authenticator, 
                                UserAuthorizer authorizer, 
                                Environment environment) {
        super(new OAuthCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<User>()

        environment.jersey().register(new AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder(User.class));

    // classes below may be external (internal for simplicity)

    public static class OAuthAuthenticator implements Authenticator<String, User> {

        public Optional<User> authenticate(String credentials) throws AuthenticationException {
            return Optional.fromNullable("valid".equals(credentials) ? new User() : null);        }

    public static class UserAuthorizer implements Authorizer<User> {
        public boolean authorize(User user, String role) {
            return user.getName().equals("good-guy") && role.equals("ADMIN");

The class is automatically picked up by the jersey installer. OAuthAuthenticator and OAuthAuthorizer are simple guice beans (no special installation required).

Constructor injection is used to obtain required guice managed instances and then configure authentication the same way as described in dropwizard docs.

If autoconfiguration is enabled, then the class will be resolved and installed automatically.

Chained auth

Chained auth can be used to support different authentication schemes.

Integration approach is the same as in simple case:

public class ChainedAuthDynamicFeature extends AuthDynamicFeature {

    public ChainedAuthDynamicFeature(BasicAuthenticator basicAuthenticator,
                                      OAuthAuthenticator oauthAuthenticator, 
                                      UserAuthorizer authorizer, 
                                      Environment environment) {
        super(new ChainedAuthFilter(Arrays.asList(
                new BasicCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<>()
                new OAuthCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<>()

        environment.jersey().register(new AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder(User.class));

Polymorphic auth

Polymorphic auth allows using different auth schemes simultaneously.

Integration approach is the same as in simple case:

public class PolyAuthDynamicFeature extends PolymorphicAuthDynamicFeature {

    public PolyAuthDynamicFeature(BasicAuthenticator basicAuthenticator,
                                   OauthAuthenticator oauthAuthenticator,
                                   UserAuthorizer authorizer,
                                   Environment environment) {
                  BasicPrincipal.class, new BasicCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<BasicPrincipal>()
                                                .setRealm("SUPER SECRET STUFF")
                  OAuthPrincipal.class, new OAuthCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<OAuthPrincipal>()

        final AbstractBinder binder = new PolymorphicAuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder<>(
            ImmutableSet.of(BasicPrincipal.class, OAuthPrincipal.class));
