
Test support require io.dropwizard:dropwizard-testing:2.0.0 dependency.


Guicey does not provide junit 5 extensions: only junit 4 rules. Support will be added later.

General test support

Configuration hooks

Guicey provides hooks mechanism to be able to modify application configuration in tests.

Using hooks you can disable installers, extensions, guicey bundles
or override guice bindings.

It may also be useful to register additional extensions (e.g. to validate some internal behaviour).

Example hook:

public class MyHook implements GuiceyConfigurationHook {

    public void configure(GuiceBundle.Builder builder) {
            .modulesOverride(new MockDaoModule())
            .option(Myoptions.DebugOption, true);


You can modify options in hook and so could enable some custom debug/monitoring options specifically for test.

There are special spock and junit extensions for hooks registrations.


You can use hooks to disable all not needed features in test:

This way you can isolate (as possible) some feature for testing.

The most helpful should be bundles disable (if you use bundles for features grouping) and guice modules.

Use predicate disabling.


It is supposed that disabling will be used instead of mocking - you simply remove what you don't need and register replacements, if required.

Guice bindings override

It is quite common requirement to override bindings for testing. For example, you may want to mock database access.

Guicey could use guice Modules.override() to help you override required bindings. To use it prepare module only with changed bindings (bindings that must override existing). For example, you want to replace ServiceX. You have few options:

  • If it implement interface, implement your own service and bind as bind(ServiceContract.class).to(MyServiceXImpl.class)
  • If service is a class, you can modify its behaviour with extended class bind(ServiceX.class).to(MyServiceXExt.class)
  • Or you can simply register some mock instance bind(ServiceX.class).toInstance(myMockInstance)
public class MyOverridingModule extends AbstractModule {

    protected configure() {

And register overriding module in hook:

public class MyHook implements GuiceyConfigurationHook {
    public void configure(GuiceBundle.Builder builder) {
            .modulesOverride(new MyOverridingModule());

Debug bundles

You can also use special guicey bundles, which modify application behaviour. Bundles could contain additional listeners or services to gather additional metrics during tests or validate behaviour.

For example, guicey tests use bundle to enable restricted guice options like disableCircularProxies.

Bundles are also able to:

  • disable installers, extensions, gucie modules
  • override guice bindings

You can use lookup mechanism to load bundles in tests. For example, system properties lookup.


Testing core logic

For integration testing of guice specific logic you can use GuiceyAppRule. It works almost like DropwizardAppRule, but doesn't start jetty (and so jersey and guice web modules will not be initialized). Managed and lifecycle objects supported.

public class MyTest {

    GuiceyAppRule<MyConfiguration> RULE = new GuiceyAppRule<>(MyApplication.class, "path/to/configuration.yaml");

    public void testSomething() {

As with dropwizard rule, configuration is optional

new GuiceyAppRule<>(MyApplication.class, null)

Testing web logic

For web component tests (servlets, filters, resources) use DropwizardAppRule.

To access guice beans use injector lookup:

InjectorLookup.getInstance(RULE.getApplication(), MyService.class).get();

Customizing guicey configuration

As described above guicey provides a way to modify it's configuration in tests. You can apply configuration hook using rule:

// there may be exact class instead of lambda
new GuiceyHooksRule((builder) -> builder.modules(...))

To use it with DropwizardAppRule or GuiceyAppRule you will have to apply explicit order:

static GuiceyAppRule RULE = new GuiceyAppRule(App.class, null);
public static RuleChain chain = RuleChain
       .outerRule(new GuiceyHooksRule((builder) -> builder.modules(...)))


RuleChain is required because rules execution order is not guaranteed and configuration rule must obviously be executed before application rule.

If you need to declare configurations common for all tests then declare rule instace in base test class and use it in chain (at each test):

public class BaseTest {
    // IMPORTANT no @ClassRule annotation here!
     static GuiceyHooksRule BASE = new GuiceyHooksRule((builder) -> builder.modules(...))

 public class SomeTest extends BaseTest {
     static GuiceyAppRule RULE = new GuiceyAppRule(App.class, null);
     public static RuleChain chain = RuleChain
        // optional test-specific staff
        .around(new GuiceyHooksRule((builder) -> builder.modules(...)) 


Don't use configuration rule with spock becuase it will not work. Use special spock extension instead.

Testing startup errors

If exception occur on startup dropwizard will call System.exit(1) instead of throwing exception (as it was before 1.1.0). System exit could be intercepted with system rules.

Special rule is provided to simplify work with system rules: StartupErrorRule. It's a combination of exit and out/err outputs interception rules.

To use this rule add dependency: com.github.stefanbirkner:system-rules:1.16.0

public class MyErrTest {

    public StartupErrorRule RULE = StartupErrorRule.create();

    public void testSomething() {
        new MyErrApp().main('server');

This test will pass only if application will throw exception during startup.

In junit it is impossible to apply checks after exit statement, so such checks must be registered as a special callback:

public class MyErrTest {

    public StartupErrorRule RULE = StartupErrorRule.create((out, err) -> {
        Assert.assertTrue(out.contains("some log line"));
        Assert.assertTrue(err.contains("expected exception message"));

    public void testSomething() {
        new MyErrApp().main('server');

Note that err will contain full exception stack trace and so you can check exception type too by using contains statement like above.

Check callback(s) may be added after rule creation:

public StartupErrorRule RULE = StartupErrorRule.create();

public void testSomething() throws Exception {
    RULE.checkAfterExit((out, err) -> {
            Assert.assertTrue(err.contains("expected exception message"));

Multiple check callbacks may be registered (even if the first one was registered in rule's create call).

Rule works a bit differently with spock (see below).


If you use spock framework you can use spock specific extensions:

  • @UseGuiceyApp - internally use GuiceyAppRule
  • @UseDropwizardApp - internally use DropwizardAppRule

Both extensions allows using injections directly in specifications (like spock-guice).

@UseGuiceyHooks extension could be used to apply configuration hook common for all tests

Spock lifecycle hooks

class MyTest extends Specification {

    @ClassRule @Shared
    JunitRule sharedRule = new JunitRule()

    JunitRule2 rule = new JunitRule2()

    def setupSpec() {

    def setup() {

    def "Test method body" () {

Class rules are applied once per test class (same as setupSpec). Rules are applied per test method (same as setup).

Setup order:

  • Class rule
  • Setup spec method
  • Rule
  • Setup method
  • Test method's setup section


@UseGuiceyApp runs all guice logic without starting jetty (so resources, servlets and filters are not available). Managed objects are handled correctly.

class AutoScanModeTest extends Specification {

    @Inject MyService service

    def "My service test" {
        when: 'calling service'
        def res = service.getSmth()
        then: 'correct result returned'
        res == 'hello'

Annotation allows you to configure the same things as rules does: application class, configuration file (optional), configuration overrides.

@UseGuiceyApp(value = MyApplication,
    config = 'path/to/my/config.yml',
    configOverride = [
            @ConfigOverride(key = "foo", value = "2"),
            @ConfigOverride(key = "bar", value = "12")
class ConfigOverrideTest extends Specification {

As with rules, configOverride may be used without setting config file (simply to fill some configurations)


@UseDropwizardApp is useful for complete integration testing (when web part is required):

class WebModuleTest extends Specification {

    @Inject MyService service

    def "Check web bindings"() {

        when: "calling filter"
        def res = new URL("http://localhost:8080/dummyFilter").getText()
        then: "filter active"
        res == 'Sample filter and service called'

Annotation supports the same configuration options as @UseGuiceyApp (see above)

Customizing guicey configuration

As described above guicey provides a way to modify it's configuration in tests. You can declare custom configuration hooks directly in extension annotations (described above):

@UseDropwizardApp(value = MyApplication, hooks = MyHook)


@UseGuiceyApp(value = MyApplication, hooks = MyHook)

Where MyHook is:

class MyHook implements GuiceyConfigurationHook {}

When you need to register configurations common for all tests, declare hook at the base test class:

class BaseTest extends Specification {


class SomeTest extends BaseTest {}


You can still use test specific hooks together with declared base hook (to apply some more test-specific configuration).


Only one @UseGuiceyHooks declaration may be used in test hierarchy: for example, you can't declare it in base class and then another one on extended class - base for a group of tests. This is spock limitation (only one extension will actually work) but should not be an issue for most cases.

Dropwizard startup error

StartupErrorRule may be used to intercept dropwizard System.exit(1) call. But it will work different then for junit: then section is always called with exception (CheckExitCalled). Also, then section may be used for assertion after exit calls and so there is no need to add custom assertion callbacks (required by junit tests).

class ErrorTest extends Specification {

    @Rule StartupErrorRule RULE = StartupErrorRule.create()

    def "Check startup error"() {

        when: "starting app with error"
        new MyErrApp().main(['server'])

        then: "startup failed"
        RULE.output.contains('stating application')
        RULE.error.contains('some error occur')

Spock extensions details

Extensions follow spock-guice style - application started once for all tests in class. It's the same as using rule with @ClassRule annotation. Rules may be used with spock too (the same way as in junit), but don't mix them with annotation extensions.

There are two limitations comparing to rules:

  • Application can't be created for each test separately (like with @Rule annotation). This is because of @Shared instances support.
  • You can't customize application creation: application class must have no-args constructor (with rules you can extend rule class and override newApplication method). But this should be rare requirement.

All guicey tests use spock, so you can see extensions usage examples there.

To better understand injection scopes look the following test:

class InjectionTest extends Specification {

    // instance remain the same between tests
    @Shared @Inject TestBean sharedBean

    // new instance injected on each test
    @Inject TestBean bean

    // the same context used for all tests (in class), so the same bean instance inserted before each test
    @Inject TestSingletonBean singletonBean

    def "Check injection types"() {
        when: "changing state of injected beans"
        sharedBean.value = 10
        bean.value = 5
        singletonBean.value = 15

        then: "instances are different"
        sharedBean.value == 10
        bean.value == 5
        singletonBean.value == 15


    def "Check shared state"() {

        expect: "shared bean instance is the same, whereas other one re-injected"
        sharedBean.value == 10
        bean.value == 0
        singletonBean.value == 15 // the same instance was set before second test

    // bean is in prototype scope
    static class TestBean {
        int value

    static class TestSingletonBean {
        int value

Overriding overridden beans

Guicey provides direct support for overriding guice bindings, so in most cases you don't need to do anything.

But, if you use this to override application bindings need to override such bindings in test (again), then you may use provided custom injector factory:

Register factory in guice bundle:

    .injectorFactory(new BindingsOverrideInjectorFactory())

After that you can register overriding bindings (which will override even modules registered in modulesOverride) with:

BindingsOverrideInjectorFactory.override(new MyOverridingModule())


It is assumed that overrding modules registration and application initialization will be at the same thread (thread local used for holding registered modules to allow parallel tests usage).

For example, suppose we have some service CustomerService and it's implementation CustomerServiceImpl, defined in some 3rd party module. For some reason we need to override this binding in the application:

public class OverridingModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {

If we need to override this binding in test (again):

(Simplified) registration looks like this:

    .injectorFactory(new BindingsOverrideInjectorFactory())
    .modules(new ThirdPatyModule())
    // override binding for application needs
    .modulesOverride(new OverridingModule())

// register overriding somewhere
BindingsOverrideInjectorFactory.override(new TestOverridingModule())    


Configuration hook may be used for static call (as a good integration point)

After test startup, application will use customer service binding from TestOverridingModule.