Hibernate integration¶
Example of dropwizard-hibernate bundle usage with guicey.
Example source code
Additional dependencies required:
compile 'io.dropwizard:dropwizard-hibernate:1.3.0' compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.199'
Both versions are managed by BOM
For simplicity, an embedded H2 database is used.
Overall configuration is exactly the same as described in dropwizard docs, but extracted to separate class for simplicity:
public class HbnBundle extends HibernateBundle<HbnAppConfiguration> { public HbnBundle() { super(Sample.class); } @Override public PooledDataSourceFactory getDataSourceFactory(HbnAppConfiguration configuration) { return configuration.getDataSourceFactory(); } }
All model classes are configured inside the constructor: super(Sample.class);
Configuration class:
public class HbnAppConfiguration extends Configuration { @Valid @NotNull @JsonProperty private DataSourceFactory database = new DataSourceFactory(); public DataSourceFactory getDataSourceFactory() { return database; } }
Configuration file for in-memory database and automatic schema creation:
database: driverClass: org.h2.Driver user: sa password: url: jdbc:h2:mem:sample properties: charSet: UTF-8 hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto: create
Guice integration¶
Guice module used to provide SessionFactory instance into guice context:
public class HbnModule extends AbstractModule { private final HbnBundle hbnBundle; public HbnModule(HbnBundle hbnBundle) { this.hbnBundle = hbnBundle; } @Override protected void configure() { bind(SessionFactory.class).toInstance(hbnBundle.getSessionFactory()); } }
@Override public void initialize(Bootstrap<HbnAppConfiguration> bootstrap) { final HbnBundle hibernate = new HbnBundle(); // register hbn bundle before guice to make sure factory initialized before guice context start bootstrap.addBundle(hibernate); bootstrap.addBundle(GuiceBundle.builder() .enableAutoConfig("com.myapp.package") .modules(new HbnModule(hibernate)) .build()); }
It is simpler to use dropwizard AbstractDAO
for hibernate logic:
public class SampleService extends AbstractDAO<Sample> { @Inject public SampleService(SessionFactory factory) { super(factory); } public void create(Sample sample) { return persist(sample); } public List<Sample> findAll() { return list(currentSession().createQuery("from Sample")); } }
You will need to use dropwizard @UnitOfWork
annotation to declare transaction scope.
For example:
@Path("/sample") @Produces("application/json") public class SampleResource { @Inject private SampleService service; @GET @Path("/") @Timed @UnitOfWork public Response doStaff() { final Sample sample = new Sample("sample"); service.create(sample); final List<Sample> res = service.findAll(); // using response to render entities inside unit of work and avoid lazy load exceptions return Response.ok(res).build(); } }